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On the Summer Solstice, (June 21, 2000) we celebrated the Dreamer Wheel Ceremony here on Silver Moon Farm. This is the first year we consciously linked our work with the work of Lakota Medicine Person, Orville Looking Horse, who in 1995 ( I believe) began manifesting his vision of a world day of peace and prayer designed to help in the healing and awakening of the people of earth and to help raise the global energies for peace and healing of life here on this wonderful blue-green planet.

It was after last summers' (1999) ceremony here that I first heard of WDPP and wrote to tell them that we had been doing the same thing and expressed our connection of spirit and intentional focus.

The Dreamer Wheel Ceremony is something alluded to both in the 'Healing Temple' and in the text,

"Re-Awakening the Sacred Dreamers."

Dreamer Wheel

In addition to the Dreamer Wheel Ceremony proper, it is often the practice we have of making a corn or sand painting within the wheel itself. This earth painting is a means of magickally expressing our prayers and focus, especially when the Wheel Ceremony is dedicated to a specific working.

This year (2000), our painting we call the ETOSOBOAL (long e and o sound, short a sound). It is a prayer painting we have worked for years in diffferent places and different contexts. This is the prayer.


"Let this Sacred Mother Earth be Well and Whole and Strong once more. Let this Sacred Mother Earth be blessed and protected and healed and renewed. Let the Spirit, the medicine, the power of this Sacred Mother Earth be well and whole and strong once more. Let this Sacred Mother Earth be blessed and protected and healed and renewed."

"Let we human beings be blessed and protected and healed and renewed. Let us awaken, now, to the right ways to live with this Sacred Mother earth and all her children......and with each other, in peace and understanding and respect and recognition and love....and with ourselves, in love and respect and recognition. Let we human beings be blessed and protected and healed and renewed and awakened."

"Let the land around us be blessed and protected and healed and renewed. Let the power, the spirit, the medicine of the life and the land around us be blessed and protected and healed and renewed. Let the life and the land be blessed and protected and healed and renewed."


Dreamer Wheel Ceremony

To learn more about the WPPD work try the following link--

World Peace and Prayer Day

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