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Re-Awakening the Sacred Dream

To Awaken and Heal Within the Sacred Dream and Dreaming

To Come Back to Life

Re-Awakening the Sacred Dream(ers)

Desire emanates from the matrix (the Primal Belief), moves through the matrix, changes the matrix. When desire becomes full it becomes belief/flesh/reality. Being full, it begins to empty itself of desire, moving from belief to belief.

Desire is in feedback with the matrix. Any change changes everything, however subtly.

Desire becomes whole when it is reduced to it's simplicity, is traced back to the source, is renewed, reinforced and informed by the matrix.

The branches and boughs of trees against the empty sky. The roots moving backwards (in time) through the earth.

Desire can be denied (breeding shadows), modified, transmuted (magick), accepted (desire being whole).

The present moment is the door to eternity. The union of heaven and earth. In the present moment are the depths sounded, the alignment made, the sacred dreams (the future) awakened.

The Pathway of Desire is like a river running through the matrix. Though 'particles' of the river are separated in space/time, the river itself as a wholeness is within simultaneity. IS instantaneous in its adjustment. The river of desire has wave and particle form.

Every desire has a propellant force (to be, to become, to do). Every desire has an 'impellent' force (to know, to touch). The 'feedback' of desire within the matrix.

The 'impellent' force is cultivated through the psychological state of 'listening'.

Listening, in it's widest sense, is a active power of stillness. Stillness that embraces, touches, knows.

Desire is spirit, in past as memory, in future as dream. Desire is eternal. Embodiment is lustiness, fierce, joyful love. Touching itself in other forms. Oh, to be unafraid! Fearless joyful acceptance. Would we not be alive? Would we not be awake?

Desire in the body is sexuality, in emotion-love, in the mind-knowledge, to know. The ecstasy of knowledge is Truth. The more useful, the more whole, the more truthful. All knowledge and truth is a touching, usually mediated by symbols and form. All touching is knowledge.

Fear is a balking, a blocking, an aberration in the current of desire. The failure of desire to achieve wholeness. The cause of fear is a species of amnesia, a failure of the impellent force, of non-'remembrance'. The failure of will to support 'listening', to embrace the matrix.

It is not easy for beings clogged with belief, fear and shadows to listen.

Dreams born from desires that are not whole suffer fear and aberration in proportion to their lack of 'integrity' (balance) knowledge within the matrix.

The healing of fear is in the recognition and remembrance in love, listening 'in' desireā€¦To ask, "What is really wanted?" "What is really needed?"

To ask this within desire.

This the 'last' of Re-Awaking of the Sacred Dream, is also the first, its seed.

That the 'idea' of "Perfection" lives within the Sacred Dream. Is it's vital process, not final state achieved.

"Perfection" as Sacred Spirit is child of the Father and Mother, of Desire and the Matrix (Acceptance), of Pleasure in Unity with Service.

Constantly moving place of balance, ever rebalanced, Perfection is the Way

The Whole Flowering of Desire Balanced within the Matrix. Has little to do with conventional ways of law, morality and ethics, except that they are frozen conceptions of Perfection's Living Light.

Perfection is a Way, Sacred Path of Knowing, Seeing, Being, Becoming, Doing.

Perfection is the Flowering of the Sacred Dream.

Of Truth of Being in Sacred Alignment.

Perfection can be cultivated and experience, a particular awareness and feeling. Perfection moves quickly.

The Rose as Flowering of the Dream, as Perfection, lives upon the Vine of Life.

Dies when picked, Though Dead and Dried Flowers are sometimes beautiful, They are not alive. Love is the manifestation of the power within the sacred dream. It is the irreducible (quantum)? Of the Sacred Dream. It is the Primal Ecstasy of being.

The task of desire is to find its way to the Sacred Dream, to Love, to find a body of belief that manifest its full potential of energy in pleasure, joy, and Love that is inherent with desire.

It is journeying from the primal ecstasy, from ecstasy to ecstasy, constantly moving to balance itself with the Matrix with all other bodies of belief, seeking its balance like water flowing to the ocean, chosing its course without deliberation, drawn by the gravity of the impellent force, moving from the power of the propellant force.

To align with desire and its natural course is to unhinder the heart from shadow and to honor, embrace and rejoice in the motion and power of being and becoming. To manifest the love inherent in desire.

If it is of love, it is of the dream. It is sacred .

Beliefs are currents of desire within the river of desire. When there is conflict of desire within the matrix, either within an entity, or between entities, desire must be examined and the wheat separated from the chafe.

As all desire is one desire, all conflicts of desire are apparent, none the less felt by entity. All conflicts of desire are conflicts of beliefs and belief must be examined to determine what serves love and what serves shadow.

Some apparent conflicts of desire are manifestations of being outside of and previous to entity.

"Beliefs can be pathways of desire". If they are not, they are Limitations of Desire. Know when Belief is expression. Know when Belief is limitation. Know the difference and act within the knowing that the river of dreaming may be balanced within the matrix. That the Sacred Dream may be awakened and nourished.


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