The Sacred Laws of Axis: April 13, 2015

Some time ago, (it seems like aeons, but more realistically it was 20 to 25 years), a new "very important thing" began to emerge in the alternative spirituality movements that I was, in various degrees, involved with. Suddenly everyone seemed to need to "validate" their spiritual path by developing, discovering or borrowing "sacred laws." I found it all somewhat distasteful, unnecessary and pompous, but then again I am heyoka. Everyone else seemed to be taking it all quite seriously.

So...I decided I had better make up some "Very Sacred Laws" of my own, just to keep up. They are rather simple. They are few. They are these:

1.) There is always a way to all things, if we can only find it.

2.) Anything that can be broken can be fixed.

3.) "Love is the Law, and the Final Pulse of the Universe. Love is the Way."

So that's it.
