From Robert Anton Wilson's Website: Oct.12, 2011

From Robert Anton Wilson's Website
(Wilson's website was down...which is why you are on this page and not Wilson's...but now it's back! Yes!)

The link to Arlen Riley Wilson's poem is HERE


Get into this guy's head for a wild ride. ;-)

"Maybe consciousness resides in the nonlocal domain of quantum mechanics, "beyond," "beneath" or "behind" the space-time continuum? Local [ego] consciousness then represents the aspects of the nonlocal filtered thru the local tribal reality-grid as imprinted in neuro-circuits. Looking for consciousness in the brain then resembles looking for Jay Leno in the TV circuits.."

and from a video interview on same above website recorded not long before his death:
Robert Anton Wilson:
"Don't let anyone tell you what you should like and enjoy and what you shouldn't like and enjoy. Like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy and don't take crap from anybody." "Hey--I think I just summed up my whole philosophy."

