The Extraordinary Events of 12/31/09: Dec. 31, 2009

On the eve of 12/31/09 (New Years Eve if you like the Gregorian Calendar) I witnessed three events that "spoke" to me.

As is my custom, when I have the opportunity, I like to "pray down" which is like laying down only praying. In my many prayers and invocations that day I called upon Eagle along with many other medicines, sacred beings, etc.

Later as I sat alone in the growing dusk I suddenly glanced out my window in response to catching something out of the corner of my eye and saw the wonderful WEHAWETEOL (what most people call the "Bald Eagle") but what I call "White-Headed, White Tailed Eagle of Light" moving low through the woods just outside my home.


This felt like some kind of confirmation to me (or maybe I am just egotistical.)

Later, out of boredom I went to turn on the TV and watch the news, but it always seems that the news is all bad and I didn't want the feeling that night. I turned off the TV and just decided to listen to the silence and in doing so I became of the "moment." This was peaceful and as I just sat and absorbed all that was within this moment, I suddenly caught sight of the full moon/blue moon of the last day of the year which was rising as it does at this time of year and no other following the exact arc of a hillside outside my home. I watched in innocent wonder...a child-like wonder as it rose and moved along the hilltop like it was rolling over it and turning silver as it journeyed. The name of my farm is "Silver Moon Farm."

All this was beautiful (and way better than the news).

The last event was perhaps the most unusual. Just before I headed off to bed I suddenly saw a shooting star. Now this shooting star was unlike any other I have ever seen. It arced across the sky from West to East and it was very *close*! I could tell that it actually flew over my fields below and it flew in brilliant white light until just above tree-top level it was consumed. I was so unlike any other shooting-star I have seen that I called my son who has a dwelling down the hill from my home and asked if someone at his house had been shooting off fireworks (though there was no Bang and scatter at the end of it.) The answer was "no" and I realized I had just witnessed a cosmic event.

Taking all three together made for a very magickal and sign-filled night.
