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The Shaman has lit the sacred fire at sunset. Smoke curls and rises in the growing night sky. The ground has been purified with sage, and sweetgrass burns and brings blessings to we who have come here. Strong prayers of protection and blessing have been made. The Shaman makes the circle strong and bright and calls to spirit to bless and protect and to heal us.

The Shaman has lit the sacred fire which burns at the South of the Dreamer Wheel. Facing the Fire from the center, the Shaman begins the rattling and the circling starting in the South and circling heyoka/widdershins/counterclockwise moving around the circle back to the South. Reversing directions, the Shaman circles sunwise/deosil/clockwise around the circle and back to the South. Once more the Shaman turns heyoka/widdershins/counterclockwise in the circling and the rattling, but only pauses at the south and continues rattling and circling until arriving at the North.

The Shaman has unwound and wound and unwound again and coiled the current in the polarities of alignment with the Sacred Fire.

All move to East and the Journey into the Mysteries of the Sacred Dreaming begin.

We sit quietly in the East, looking west within the Dreamer Wheel, and after a time of stillness and quiet we hear these words.................

Dreamer Wheel

Here Lies the Dreaming Wheel-- it is not Dead, but Sleeping

Awaits Remembrance and Desire to Conjoin

Calls us Forth, Awakening.

White-Headed, White-Tailed Eagle of Light

Sits within the Dreaming Tree

Visions Light Becomes the Knowing, Spawns the Thinking, MIRROR Showing

Beliefs like fruit upon the Tree, heavy growing, to Earth are Falling

To Be New Again, To be New Again

Some will Live and Some will Not

Some we Eat and Some will Rot

See the Stones, the Circle Reflecting

Never Beginning, Never Ending



See the Eagle of the West

Lightning Splits the Darkness Vest

Sacred Rose upon the stone

Love-in-Beauty and Beauty's home

Sacred Fire, River of Desire

Blood within our veins

Feel the Heat, See the Light

Dreams within the Flame

Sacred Paths are crossing

Within the Dreamers Wheel

Wings of Love unfolding

What we see is what we get

But what we see and get

Depends upon our willingness

The Present Moment is the Gateway to Eternity

When you are ready....approach the gate of the North

Gateway of the Temple